
Why vegan inclusion? Jess Swallow Why vegan inclusion? Jess Swallow

Vegan-Inclusive Workplace certification: What is this and why is it needed?

Every vegan we speak to has a story to tell about a struggle they’ve had at work. Some of them are minor, others are distressing. Many are unlawful. And almost all of them were completely avoidable.
We know that the instinctive reaction from non-vegan employers might be something like the title of this article. If you’re curious, we’d like to tell you why we exist and why we think you should care.

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Why vegan inclusion? Jess Swallow Why vegan inclusion? Jess Swallow

Why vegan inclusion? 01. Hire great people and make them want to stay

Young people are increasingly likely to be vegan compared to previous generations, and they are also more likely to leave a job if they feel their values don’t align with their employer’s. Don’t give them a reason to leave over something simple to rectify. It could just be a matter of putting a carton of oat milk in the fridge.

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