About us.

In our vision of the future, every employer understands and meets the needs of their vegan employees. They actively monitor their policies and practices to ensure a safe, respectful, and inclusive workplace for everyone.

Our mission.

We are eliminating the barriers that prevent vegans from feeling fully integrated at work by equipping organisations with the knowledge and tools they need to ensure a safe, respectful workplace where all staff, including vegans, can thrive.

Our certification scheme allows companies to proudly and publicly celebrate their vegan inclusivity. It also lets current and prospective vegan employees know that they can expect to be treated with the same respect and understanding as anybody else, and their ethical beliefs will be taken seriously in the workplace.

The Vegan Inclusion Charter

To obtain certification, employers must commit to the principles stated in our Vegan Inclusion Charter.

These promises demonstrate your dedication to integrating vegan inclusion into your broader inclusion policies. By doing so, you provide vegans with the assurance that you genuinely uphold these values and are open to accountability.

Our founders.

Jess Swallow

Founder & CEO

With a background in civil litigation, animal protection law and senior leadership at an international NGO, Jess’ unique combination of commercial and legal expertise, senior leadership and professional advocacy for vegans positions Jess as a trusted advisor for organisations striving to create inclusive workplaces. 

  • As a solicitor, Jess has guided businesses, consumers, and campaigners through commercial and personal disputes and strategic litigation. Her clients included household names, international governments and parliamentary groups, as well as individual consumers, activist groups and small charities. As a member of The Vegan Society’s International Rights Network, she has helped vegans assert their legal rights under human rights and equality law in employment and consumer contexts. Before becoming a lawyer, she was a senior leader at an international NGO, responsible for campaigns and operations, including HR.

    Throughout her career, Jess has recognised the importance of early intervention in conflict resolution. She understands that while most organisations aim to uphold ethical standards, they may struggle to translate intentions into actions. Identifying the gap between aspirational workplace practices and the day-to-day reality for many vegans, Jess established The Vegan Inclusion Co. to address this critical need.

    Jess's deep understanding of both employer perspectives and the nuanced needs of vegan employees shapes The Vegan Inclusion Co.’s approach. By providing personalised guidance and pragmatic solutions, she empowers organisations to foster environments where everyone can thrive.

Jeanette Rowley

Co-Founder & Head of Assessments

Jeanette's experience of vegan advocacy spans over a decade. Her professional groundbreaking contributions have been instrumental in securing legal protection for vegans in various jurisdictions and in shaping equality and inclusion policy in employment contexts. 

  • Jeanette has a PhD in Law and a Master of Laws with Distinction, and has authored seminal publications on vegan rights, establishing herself as an award-winning, leading figure in the field.

    She is a Consultant to The Vegan Society and founder and Chair of the Society’s International Rights Network. She oversees The Vegan Society’s advocacy function and is a qualified Mediator. She is a former university lecturer, Citizens Advice Advisor, Head of Legal Clinic and Legal Compliance Manager and Advisor. Her unique combination of leadership, knowledge, skills, and experience in this specialised area positions Jeanette as a recognised, trusted professional and sought-after consultant on vegan equality and inclusion in employment contexts.

    Jeanette regularly hosts conferences, seminars and workshops on veganism and law, and has authored essential guidance on vegan inclusion specifically for employers. She has first-hand experiences of the issues faced by vegans, the business needs of employers and a wealth of experience of successful and swift dispute resolution. The breadth of Jeanette’s experience helps employers accommodate the needs of vegans, demonstrate legal compliance in workplace policies and practices, foster inclusive workplace environments, and enables them to meet the Vegan Inclusion Co’s Assessment Criteria.

Our values.


We celebrate the power of differences, seeking out diverse backgrounds and perspectives. We believe that we can learn and grow by embracing each other's unique experiences. We understand that both our words and actions, as well as their absence, have significant impact.


In our interactions, we treat each other with dignity and fairness, regardless of background or role. We approach disagreements with curiosity, aiming to understand and find common ground. Humility is central to our approach, recognizing that our achievements are built upon collective efforts.


We cultivate trust through responsible actions and honest relationships, both within our team and with external partners. Even when no one is watching, we strive to do the right thing. We remain open to learning and continuously improving ourselves.


We firmly believe that true equity encompasses all individuals, without discrimination based on age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation. We stand alongside all groups advocating for equal rights, working towards a world where everyone is treated with fairness and compassion.


Our partnerships with organisations are built on professionalism and mutual respect. While we respect individuals' personal choices, we advocate for the legal rights of vegans in a professional and considerate manner.

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