Why vegan inclusion: 04. Live your values and do the right thing
We know that employers care about purpose not just to benefit the bottom line, but because it is the right thing to do. This means taking good care of their employees and ensuring that the workplace is a safe and respectful place where everyone can thrive.
Vegans are disproportionately affected by discrimination and harassment in the workplace, with a 2019 survey by Crossland Employment Solicitors finding that nearly half of vegan employees had felt discriminated against by their employer and nearly a third had felt harassed or unfairly treated at work due to their veganism. For the majority of employers, this harassment or discrimination will be unintentional, but nevertheless unacceptable.
Workplace harassment is a significant concern, particularly for Gen Zs and Millennials, with many feeling that reports of workplace harassment are not dealt with effectively by employers (33% and 25% respectively).
Veganism is a serious, deeply held and life-directing belief, and valuing and respecting vegans in the workplace means acknowledging that they may have different needs compared to other employees. Critically, vegan inclusion is not about imposing anyone’s beliefs on anyone else, but rather it is about fostering a culture of respect for our differences, eliminating barriers and making the workplace somewhere where everyone can thrive. For most employers, this is already something you value, and we challenge you to incorporate vegan inclusion into your wider staff wellbeing strategy.
Get in touch to find out more.