Why vegan inclusion?

Hire great people and make them want to stay.

Adapt to the evolving expectations of employees, including Millennials and Gen Zs. These are generations who are:

  • Increasingly represented in the workforce,

  • More likely than any previous generation to be vegan, and

  • More likely than any previous generation to leave a job because their employer doesn’t share or respect their values.

Capture a significant segment of the workforce (8% of Millennials and Gen Zs and rising), elevate your workplace and prevent avoidable staff turnover.

Grow your business.

Research shows that customers are more likely to choose brands that care about their employees, the environment, and the communities they operate in. Additionally, businesses that have a well-defined purpose are more productive and innovative, and they experience higher rates of growth.

By embracing the value of inclusivity, employers can foster lasting loyalty and relevance to their customers and stakeholders. This includes making vegan inclusion a part of their commitment to employee well-being.

Minimise legal risks.

Vegan inclusion isn't just a good practice, it's a legal requirement. Failing to comply can result in costly litigation.

Veganism is a protected philosophical belief under human rights and equality law. Employers have a duty to eliminate discrimination against and harassment of vegans, including indirect forms, or risk legal claims.

By making simple changes, businesses can reduce legal risks, and protect management time, reputation, and the bottom line.

Live your values and do the right thing.

True inclusivity means making sure that everyone feels welcome, valued and respected at work, no matter their age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, not just because it’s good for business but because it’s the right thing to do.

We are challenging employers to live their organisation’s values by fostering a culture of respect for differences, eliminating barriers and creating a workplace where everyone can thrive.

It’s easy.

In most cases, becoming a Vegan-Inclusive Workplace is easy. It could be as simple as making sure there’s plant-based milk in the fridge, or ordering vegan sandwiches at a working lunch event.

What next?

So you understand why vegan inclusion is important, but how do you put it into practice? Our process for becoming a Vegan-Inclusive Workplace is easy to follow and quick to implement, so you can start reaping the benefits right away.